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The Import One-Stop-Shop (IOSS) is a new VAT scheme to simplify the import of low-value goods, under 150 EUR per package into the EU, cutting costs and red tape for distance sellers and speeding up deliveries. The good news is that a single IOSS registration offers hassle-free shipping to all 27 EU countries.

For UK distance sellers, IOSS gives you the same EU access you enjoyed before Brexit. You collect VAT at checkout, ship your goods to your EU customers without hassle, and instead of paying the VAT collected to the UK government, the VAT is transferred to EU countries via an official British-run EU Intermediary… EUify!



If you're distance selling and serious about growing your business in Europe, IOSS isn't just a shipping method, it's full access to the EU Single Market with 450 million potential customers and should be an essential part of your logistics, sales & growth strategy. With prices starting at €50 per month, register for IOSS today!




The Cheapest Way to Send your Packages!

Forget extortionate DDP costs, red tape, or worse still, passing your VAT obligations onto your clients. Start shipping IOSS-Compliant packages, and get back to growing your business in the EU now! With 450 million customers on your doorstep, what are you waiting for?

Single VAT Registration!

A single IOSS registration covers VAT returns in all 27 EU Member States, so you can focus on sales and growth, while we handle your VAT returns for you! 


Protect your Brand & Grow! 

Don't destroy the brand you've worked hard to create by passing on duties to your customers! If you're not using IOSS, your customers are liable for Customs Fees, Import VAT and any applicable Import Duties!  

VAT on Checkout!

For UK businesses and their EU customers, it's a return to business as usual! VAT is collected at checkout, at the EU countries' VAT rate, just as if they were buying locally!


Cheaper Carrier Costs

As carriers switch to IOSS-only clients to reduce their own costs and red tape, it will become increasingly difficult and more expensive to ship any other way. One of the ways carriers will encourage their clients to adopt IOSS is to offer them better shipping rates.

Speedy Delivery!

IOSS was designed for smoother business operations and a quicker customs release, meaning faster delivery times for your customers. Happy days! 


Increase Growth and Sales!

Think of IOSS as a sales tool! You'll have instant access to the EU's single market; Vastly more potential customers, brand protection, hassle-free shipping, fewer product returns, happy customers & higher profits! 



1. VAT Collection

Country-specific VAT rates are applied at checkout. Tell your customers you're IOSS-compliant, so they can shop with confidence without unpleasant delivery surprises! 


2. Sales Data Verification

You send us your sales data on a monthly basis, so we can track your IOSS obligations and input and verify your data. 


3. IOSS Intermediary

EUify will calculate and manage your monthly VAT obligations, provide free support and liaise with the Dutch tax authorities on your behalf. 


4. VAT Returns 

EUify will file your VAT returns and make your VAT payments on a monthly basis, ensuring uninterrupted deliveries to your customers.

  • How much does IOSS cost?
    Our fees are variable, depending on how many packages you send, so your IOSS plan grows with you and your business. And if you have a lean month, you’ll benefit from the reduced fee! Unlike most other IOSS intermediaries, we have no lengthy fixed-term contract, except for a three-month termination notice, which is a requirement of the One-Stop-Shop scheme.
  • Is IOSS compulsory, when sending low-value packages to the EU?
    No, you can send your packages using DDP (Duty Delivery Paid), which means you must arrange and pay all import duties prior to shipping, but this is vastly more expensive than IOSS, and you have limited courier options. The Royal Mail for instance, only offers DDP to a limited list of EU destinations.
  • What happens if I just send my packages to my EU customers without using special arrangement like IOSS or DDP?
    Not only is this disastrous for your brand, but it's also likely to infuriate your customer. You're also unlikely to receive any repeat orders or referrals! Your customer will be charged a customs fee on delivery, which in some cases is more than the value of the product. You can’t pre-warn your client of these custom charges, as you don’t know what they will be! Import VAT will be changed at the local rate. Where applicable, duty will be charged on the goods. For example, fashion items originating from China would typically have a levy of 12% duty applied. Your customer might refuse the product at pick up, once the full costs of the order become apparent.
  • Are there any restrictions to using IOSS?
    IOSS compliant packages are for Business to Consumer (B2C) transactions only, those attempting to ship through the IOSS scheme to businesses (B2B) or even business premises, could be charged customs fees. IOSS cannot be used for any goods subject to excise duties like alcohol or tobacco.
  • I have a Shopify platform; can you help me configure it for IOSS?
    Absolutely, not only will we send you a detailed guide to help you set-up Shopify, we’ll analysis your data for any errors and offering free telephone support if required.
  • What happens when a clients order exceeds the IOSS €150 Threshold?
    You’ll need to set-up your eCommerce store to stop collecting taxes once the order is over the €150 threshold. For these consignments, you'll need to arrange alternative shipping methods than IOSS. We recommend shipping DDP, so unknown duty fees aren’t transferred to your client.
  • Do I need my own IOSS number for selling on Amazon or eBay?
    When selling on marketplaces like Amazon, they are classed as the deemed supplier of the goods and are responsible for VAT collection and payments. They will provide you with their IOSS number for the goods sold on their platform. However, you will still require an IOSS number for EU sales from your own website platform.
  • Do I need to register for IOSS with an Intermediary?
    For countries outside of the EU, you must appoint an EU based Intermediary. You can only register with one IOSS Intermediary in Europe to file your VAT obligations. As a Official EU Intermediary, we can handle your VAT returns in all 27 EU member states.
  • I sell both physical and digital downloads from my website, how does IOSS deal with non-tangible goods?
    The IOSS scheme is for tangible goods imported into the EU only. Services and non-tangible products like music downloads require OSS (Non-Union scheme) registration to collect and report VAT obligation. We can register and report your VAT obligations for both IOSS and OSS. Please contact us to register for OSS.
  • What does the IOSS threshold of €150 mean and how is it calculated?
    IOSS compliant packages cannot exceed €150.00. This is the total intrinsic value of the goods in the package, excluding VAT, insurance and shipping.
  • Are VAT returns submitted quarterly?
    Unfortunately not. IOSS VAT returns must be submitted every month.
  • How long does it take to get the IOSS number?
    Once we have completed your IOSS registration with the Dutch tax authorities, it normally takes less than 5 working days to receive your IOSS number.
  • How do I register for IOSS?
    First, you'll need to register your details with us by completing our online registration form ( After completing and passing our KYC (Know-Your-Customer) procedure, we will register you for IOSS with the Dutch Tax Authorities.
  • Do you have a fixed term contract?
    We don’t force lengthy fixed-term contracts on our clients. We believe that if the IOSS scheme isn’t for them, forcing clients to use the IOSS scheme could end up damaging the business, not growing it. We also believe that if you are unsatisfied with the service provided, you should be free to use another service provider. Please note that under the conditions of the IOSS scheme, a three-month termination notice is required.
  • For on-boarding, what details and documentation do I need to I provide?
    For registration and the KYC (Know-Your-Customer) procedures, we need information about you and your business; Certificate of Incorporation, National Tax Reference, Proof of Taxable Activities and Director’s ID document. We may ask for additional documents if required by the KYC team.
  • What is a POA, and why is it mandatory?
    A power of attorney is a legal document that allows someone else to act on your behalf. It continues to be effective even if the person creating it becomes incapacitated. It is mandatory.
  • Do I need to pay a deposit?
    We do not normally require a deposit. However, we may require a deposit if a client has made late VAT payments or if the value of sales is particularly high.
  • Will I receive a confirmation of my IOSS registration?
    Yes, you will receive a confirmation of your IOSS registration from the Dutch yax authorities (Belastingdienst). The confirmation will be in Dutch and English.
  • Do I need an EU company?
    There are different routes into the EU, so an EU company isn't the only option, particularly if you only need partial access to the single market. If you exclusively sell goods valued at under 150 EUR to EU clients, then the IOSS scheme will suffice. Fiscal Representation can also be a good option for warehousing and distribution to ensure VAT compliance. However, for full access to the EU market, you need to set up an EU entity, so set it up in the optimal country to distribute your goods to the biggest single market in the world... on your doorstep! The Netherlands!
  • Isn’t a separate EU company just for multinationals?
    No. The multinationals can look after themselves. Those companies big enough will transfer hundreds of jobs over to the EU. Euify is there for British SMEs, whatever services or goods you bring to the EU, we’ve got you covered.
  • Is it possible to visit you in The Netherlands?
    Of course it is! We provide a full meet and greet service, and you are welcome any time at our offices in The Hague.
  • Will I have full EU market access with a virtual EU office?
    The short answer is no. Whereas we can register you at flexible office premises deemed appropriate by the Dutch authorities as your company premises, in order to obtain a VAT number you will also need some effective board-level presence in The Netherlands, making your "virtual office" in fact a real office. EUify has considerable experience in offering effective board-level presence that will not only make your company compliant but will also enable the smooth running of its EU operations.
  • Is a Virtual Office the solution?
    Postbox addresses are not considered as real and effective company premises by the Dutch authorities, you need as a minimum to be at a location that provides flexible working with full office facilities. Such locations are available as virtual offices but are of course more expensive than post office addresses due to the facilities they offer. EUify only incorporates companies at physical office locations, whether flexible offices or dedicated premises. Whilst a virtual office is sufficient for basic compliance purposes, real and effective presence on the ground - offered by EUify - is necessary for example to obtain an EU VAT number, which is critical for most businesses.
  • Do I have to register for VAT (BTW) in the Netherlands?
    It's possible to have a Dutch company without a VAT number, but your trading options are extremely limited. If market surveillance compliance is your only consideration, then it may be enough. However, the possibility to take full advantage of the Single Market, with cross-border VAT simplification, is one of the main advantages of having your own EU entity, so normally you’ll want to be VAT registered, and for most goods and services it’s an obligation. Dutch VAT rates are in line with the European Union's VAT Directive, namely that the standard VAT rate must be 15% or higher. In the Netherlands the standard rate is 21%. Two additional rates apply to the provision of specific goods and/or services namely the 9% rate and the 0% rate (zero rate).
  • Can I have a .eu domain name for my newly-formed company in the Netherlands?
    Since Brexit, the first sign that your business is up and running in the EU is an EU domain name. It signals to potential clients that you’re open for business on the EU market, and that you have an established presence there. Eligibility for a .eu domain name is one of the advantages of having an EU company. For those wanting to renew or buy top-level dot EU (.eu) domain names, we've got it covered!
  • Do I need an EORI number?
    If your business is importing or exporting goods to or from the EU, the simple answer is yes, whether you establish an EU company or not. Both the sender and receiving parties must have an EORI number. Crucially, if you have an EU company in The Netherlands you will have a Dutch EORI number, and therefore a number of one the EU Member States, as opposed to a British one, which of course no longer is.
  • Can I register a Dutch domain name for my newly-formed company?
    Of course! Although most of our clients prefer to continue trading with their current domain name and add an EU domain name unless they are specifically targeting the Dutch market.
  • What is an EORI number?
    The EORI number is the “Economic Operators Registration and Identification” number. As part of administrative simplification in the EU, there is now a single identification number for businesses across the EU. The EORI number consists of two parts: the country code of the issuing Member State followed by a code or number that is unique in the Member State. EORI numbers for England, Scotland and Wales start with “GB”, Northern Ireland EORI numbers start “XI”, and Dutch EORI numbers start with “NL”.
  • What type of company should I set up in the Netherlands?
    The Dutch equivalent of a UK private limited company is called a “Besloten Vennootschap met Beperkte Aansprakelijkheid”, more commonly known as a “Besloten Vennootschap” or BV. It is the most common form of incorporated business in the Netherlands. You can set up a BV as an individual or with others, in which case the ownership is divided into shares. We recommend this to most of our clients wishing to set up their business in the Netherlands.
  • Can I register the company under the same name as my UK business?
    One of the benefits of setting up a company in the Netherlands, it that in most cases, company names are available to foreign companies. This is due both to relatively small size of the country (with a population of approximately 17 million people) and the fact that the primary language is used in domain registration is Dutch. We perform full checks on the company name you wish to register as well as related domain names.
  • Do we need to have Dutch directors to set up a company in The Netherlands?
    Legally speaking, you can set up a company in The Netherlands without any Dutch Directors, or even any Netherlands-resident Directors at all. However, if you wish to obtain a VAT number, essential for full access to the EU Single Market, you will need a Netherlands-resident Director, although that Director may work on a part-time basis for a management fee.
  • How long does it take to set up a Dutch Company?
    In The Netherlands, companies are incorporated by legal notaries who must perform full due diligence on their clients prior to any incorporation. How long this process takes of course also depends on the clients themselves in terms of submitting all documentation in a timely manner. At EUify our aim is to make the process as speedy and efficient as possible, working closely with the notaries and our clients. Where all documents are submitted on time the company can be incorporated within a month of payment to EUify.
  • How often do I have to complete my VAT returns?
    As in the UK, Dutch VAT returns need to be completed quarterly. If you pay too much or not enough, you can request a tax return adjustment (limited to 5 years). We offer an inexpensive VAT return service to our British customers.
  • Can you do all my EU business administration?
    Yes, we offer a complete EU business administration service so you can focus on sales, growth, and developing your business. You also have the option to outsource all or just parts.
  • What is the GDPR?
    The GDPR requires organizations to implement “appropriate technical and organizational measures” to secure personal data and provides a short list of options for doing so, including encryption. In many cases, encryption is the most feasible method of securing personal data. For instance, if you regularly send emails within your organization that contain personal information, it may be more efficient to use an encrypted email service than to anonymize the information each time.
  • Who must comply with the GDPR?
    Any organization that processes the personal data of people in the EU must comply with the GDPR. “Processing” is a broad term that covers just about anything you can do with data: collection, storage, transmission, analysis, etc. “Personal data” is any information that relates to a person, such as names, email addresses, IP addresses, eye color, political affiliation, and so on. Even if an organization is not connected to the EU itself, if it processes the personal data of people in the EU (via tracking on its website, for instance), it must comply. The GDPR is also not limited to for-profit companies.
  • What are the GDPR fines?
    The GDPR allows the data protection authorities in each country to issue sanctions and fines to organizations it finds in violation. The maximum penalty is €20 million or 4% of global revenue, whichever is higher. Data protection authorities can also issue sanctions, such as bans on data processing or public reprimands.
  • How do I comply with the GDPR?
    Organizations can comply with the GDPR by implementing technical and operational safeguards to protect personal data they control. The first step is to conduct a GDPR assessment to determine what personal data they control, where it is located, and how it is secured. They must also adhere to the privacy principles outlined in the GDPR, such as obtaining consent and ensuring data portability. You may also be required to appoint a Data Protection Officer and update your privacy notice, among other organizational measures.
  • What is a Data Protection Officer?
    A Data Protection Officer (DPO) is an employee within your organization who is responsible for understanding the GDPR and ensuring your organization’s compliance. The DPO is the main point of contact for the data protection authority. Typically, the DPO has knowledge of both information technology and law.
  • Does the GDPR require encryption?
    The GDPR requires organizations to implement “appropriate technical and organizational measures” to secure personal data and provides a short list of options for doing so, including encryption. In many cases, encryption is the most feasible method of securing personal data. For instance, if you regularly send emails within your organization that contain personal information, it may be more efficient to use an encrypted email service than to anonymize the information each time.
  • What about eCommerce in the EU?
    eCommerce is critical for modern businesses. EUify provides operational support to ensure your eCommerce platform is EU-compliant.
  • Do you offer EU language services?
    We provide translation, locatlisation and interpreting services in every EU language as well as Chinese (others on request). For example, translation of all Dutch company documentation and correspondence from Dutch into English and vice-versa as well as translation of your website, sales materials and SEO into all other EU languages. Let us take care of your language needs so you can focus on selling!



Established by British entrepreneurs, EUify is an EU trade and management consultancy based in The Hague, focusing on a wide range of business and fiscal solutions to get your business trading successfully in the EU again; From setting up your company and administration to Fiscal Representation, EU VAT, IOSS, OSS, fulfilment, registrations and compliance, we have the experience and the optimal trading solutions for you.


With EUify we can get you trading competitively in the EU again, boosting your profits within the world's largest single market. Our pricing is transparent and most importantly, you can pick up the phone and talk to a human when you have questions or need support!

Don't let your competitors take over, EUify your business today!



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